Monday, 24 February 2014

Repeat Header for Table on Each Page and while scrolling

Repeat Header on Each Page

Step 1: Look the below image initially how it is! in the page 1 and page 2(second image)
Step 2: Choose the advanced Mode option
Step 3: Click on Static at the row level then hit F4 (properties ) --> at the tablix Member make Fixed data True, Keep with group after, repeat on new page  true
Step 4: Now the page headers are appears on all pages and while scrolling also

ISNULL optional Parameter in SSRS

Display by Default all values with NULL Option in SSRS

Step 1:
Create a report with  data source and parameter with Isnull parameter as shown below
Step 2:  Preview the report. Here we are getting only given value's output
Step 3:Now go to parameter properties and mark the check box as shown below 

Step 4: Go to default values and select Specify values--> add-->(Null)-->OK
Step 5: Click on preview. Now you can find all values by default. If you want individual data like ware condition, un check the box and enter the value
Step 6: Compare the Step 2 and Step 5 to find the variation 

Monday, 17 February 2014

Report Builder in SSRS


Step 1:
Open your web page--> Click on report builder (Shown in figure)
Step 2: Click on New Report--> Choose any one 
Step 3: Choose any of the following like tables, Procedures, Views ets

Step 4: Run the report 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


SSRS configuration

Step 1: Open SSRS Configuration manager(Start-->Configuration Tools-->Reporting services Configuration Manager)
Step 2: Connect-->Give server name-->Connect
Step 3: Service Account-->choose BUILT IN Account-->for file location Browse and give any path-->Provide pass word-->OK-->Apply

 Step 4: Web Service URL-->APPLY
Step 5:
Database-->Change Databse-->Choose Either radio button from two buttons-->click Next (Give servername if choosen the option Existing report server DATABASE)-->Next-->Next-->next-->Finish

 Step 6:
Execution Account-->Click check box-->Alias name along with server name with "\" and password-->Apply

Step 7:Open Internet Explorer (Must be Default Browser Else Follow the steps to made default -->settings or tools on browser-->internet options-->Programs-->make default-->ok)-->Run as administrator by right clicking on browser image

  Step 8: Close the browser

Step 9:  Click on Report manager URL in reporting services configurations manager
(Opens the Reporting services WEB Page)


Deploying a REPORT


Step 1:  Right Click on Report Name--> Go to properties--> Paste the URL (It could be like http://<server name>/reportServer)   
Below image will give Idea about this

Copy the URL and paste it on properties of report(take a Look below )

Step 2: Right Click on Report Name--> Click on BUILD 

Step 3: Right Click on Report Name--> Click on DEPLOY
Step 4: Deploy completed Success

Step 5: Now go to web Browser refresh it. You can find your reports here.
1.Initially browser
2.When refreshing
Step 6:
Click on report name(My self Sample)
Step 7: Select the deptno from drop down list ,you will get the result like below 



Using rs UTILITY
rs {-?}
{-i input_file=}
{-s serverURL}
{-u username}
{-p password}
{-e endpoint}
{-l time_out}
{-b batchmode}
{-v globalvars=}
{-t trace}
rs –i c:\scriptfiles\script_copycontent.rss -s http://localhost/reportserver

Saturday, 1 February 2014



Cascading parameter means that one parameter is depends on the other parameter.
Lest see how this in the following example

Step1: Create a data set along with where clause contains TWO parameters(See the following image)
Step 2:Create a dataset2 for getting deptno and dname from dept

Step3: Now you can select the empno from emp_tbl where clause DEPTNO
Step4: Go to parameters -->General--> keep check mark to MULTIPLE VALUES-->Available values-->Select the dataset,value field,lable field-->OK
Step5: Go to parameters -->General--> keep check mark to MULTIPLE VALUES-->Available values-->Select the dataset,value field,lable field-->OK
Step6: Now click on preview-->select deptno from drop down list
(Observe that EMPNO at hidden position until you select the department)
Step 7: From the second drop down select the emp numbers
Step 8: Now look at the preview